24 October 2024

Unpublished Photo 2024 winners exhibited at MUSEC

La Fondazione culture e musei (FCM) e il Museo delle Culture di Lugano (MUSEC) announce the winners of the 2024 edition of Unpublished Photo (UP), the international competition created to promote new trends in art photography among young talents from around the world. The 2024 edition of UP saw the participation of over two hundred young photographers from thirty-five countries, with strong representation from Iran, Italy, India and Russia. The candidates, aged between 18 and 30, submitted their projects consisting of 10 free-themed images, consistent in style and content. The four winners were selected by an international jury chaired by Marco Bischof, which met in Venice at the headquarters of the Istituto veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, a partner in the project together with 29 ARTS IN PROGRESS gallery.

The first classified is Amirhosein Esparham (Iran, 1996) with the project Together, alone. They are followed by: Gabriele D'Agostino (Italy, 1995), with Cuore Nero-Metrò; Claudy Woods (England, 2003) with the project Every saint has a past and Navonil Dutta (India, 1999), with his portfolio Nature's drama. The exhibition curated by Alessia Borellini presents 24 photographs, six for each project, and will be open to the public from 24 October 2024 to 9 March 2025.
The next edition of the competition, UP25, will be open from 20 January to 3 March 2025. Interested photographers are invited to follow MUSEC's social channels  (IG @museclugano and FB MusecLugano) for updates; as soon as the competition is online, they can apply through the form available on the Culture and Museums Foundation website: www.fcmusei.ch/contest.

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